ADHD Testing near Brighton MI
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has become commonplace in schools. This is not because the condition is more prevalent now than it was in the past. Rather, increased awareness and better testing strategies allow people with ADHD to have access to the resources they need to thrive.
If you believe your child may have ADHD, our specialists can provide a definitive diagnosis for you. ADHD symptoms overlap with other conditions, like anxiety, autism, and learning disabilities. If there’s something else below the surface, we’ll uncover it so you can pursue the appropriate support. Please call (248) 644-9466 to learn more about ADHD testing near Brighton MI.
How to Manage ADHD Symptoms
ADHD affects executive functions, which are responsible for self-regulation and impulse control. People with ADHD struggle far beyond school or work. They may have difficulty making friends or maintaining connections with others because of inattentiveness. This can lead to depression, anxiety, isolation, and other mental health concerns.
Symptom management is crucial to living with ADHD. Coping techniques will vary from one person to the next, but early intervention can help your child discover coping mechanisms as quickly as possible. Consider an ADHD evaluation if you’ve noticed the following symptoms:
- Difficulty Staying on Track or Completing a Task from Start to Finish
- Excessive Talking and Interrupting Conversations
- Fidgeting Movements and Hyperactivity
- Low Impulse Control
- Losing or Forgetting Important Things
- Needing Frequent Reminders to Stay Focused
- Not Listening When Spoken to or Only Listening to Some of What’s Being Said
- Frustration or Outbursts When Asked to Do Something Time-Consuming
- Trouble Making Friends
Contact Oakland Neuropsychology Center at (248) 644-9466 to schedule an appointment for ADHD testing near Brighton MI.
Psychological Testing and Neuropsychological Evaluations with High Accuracy Rates
The human mind is incredibly complex. ADHD may not be the only culprit behind your child’s struggles. Our providers can look at the full picture and provide actionable answers for you. Our services include the following:
- Neurological Disorders Testing
- Executive Functions Evaluations
- ADHD Coaching and ADHD Testing near Brighton MI
- Autism and Nonverbal Learning Disorder Testing (NVLD)
- Independent Educational Evaluations (IEE)
- Depression Testing, Anxiety Testing, and Mental Health Assessments
- Guardianship Evaluations
- Learning Disabilities Testing, Including Conditions Like Dyslexia and Auditory Processing Disorder
- Gifted and Twice Exceptional Exams
- IQ Testing and High Stakes Exam Accommodations
- Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Testing (FAS)
- Psychological and Neuropsychological Testing Services
Contact Oakland Neuropsychology Center at (248) 644-9466 to Schedule an Appointment for ADHD Testing near Brighton MI
Oakland Neuropsychology Center
4190 Telegraph Rd, Suite 2700
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302
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