Nonverbal Learning Disorders Testing in Oakland County MI

Does your child often misinterpret what you say? Does he think of things in a literal way or focus on unexpected details in a story? These are just some of the many symptoms associated with nonverbal learning disorders. Oakland Neuropsychology Center offers testing services for NLDs and other conditions, including:
- Autism Spectrum Disorder Testing
- Child Anxiety Testing
- Giftedness Testing and Twice Exceptional Testing
- ADHD Testing and ADD Testing
- Neurological Disorders Testing
- Learning Disabilities Testing (Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia, etc.)
- Depression Testing
- Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Testing and Fetal Alcohol Effects Testing
- Executive Functions Testing
- And Nonverbal Learning Disorder Testing in Oakland County MI
If you’d like a consultation or you want to know more about child psychological evaluations, contact us at (248) 644-9466. We would be happy to answer your questions.
Signs of Nonverbal Learning Disorders
Nonverbal learning disabilities influence how a person processes nonverbal communication, such as facial cues and body language. Common signs of nonverbal learning disorders include:
- Difficulty Processing Nonverbal Cues, Such as Facial Expressions and Body Language
- Clumsy Coordination
- Struggles Understanding Implications and Sarcasm (Interprets Conversations Literally)
- Advanced Language Development for the Child’s Age
- Delayed Fine Motor Skills
- Difficulty with Life Changes
- Issues Following Instructions
- Problems with Visual-Spatial Interpretations
- Asking Questions That Interrupt the Conversation
- Poor Reading Comprehension (Focusing on the Details in the Story instead of the Overall Plot)
If you’d like to arrange for nonverbal learning disorders testing for your child, contact our Oakland County office: (248) 644-9466.
What Should I Do If My Child Has a Nonverbal Learning Disorder?
If you receive a diagnosis for nonverbal learning disorders or any other conditions, we can refer you to specialists in your area to assist with treatment. Your diagnosis could also help you arrange special education accommodations for your child.
Oakland Neuropsychology Center
4190 Telegraph Rd, Suite 2700
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302
Our office hours are Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM, with special scheduling for select services.