High Stakes Exams near West Bloomfield MI
High stakes exams can be challenging for students with anxiety, autism, ADHD and learning disabilities. Thankfully, there are accommodations available to navigate some of the challenges associated with these struggles. Oakland Neuropsychology Center offers psychological testing and high stakes exams near West Bloomfield MI. This includes the ACT, SAT, GMAT, LSAT, GED test and much more.
Our office address is:
Oakland Neuropsychology Center
4190 Telegraph Rd, Suite 2700
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302
Standard hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM, but we can make occasional arrangements outside of those times. To schedule an appointment or learn more about our services, please call (248) 644-9466.
Get an Accurate Diagnosis before the Exam
Having a definitive diagnosis will help you pursue high stakes exam support. Oakland Neuropsychology Center has an outstanding reputation because of our high accuracy rates. Our specialists know how to peel back the layers and connect the dots to determine what’s truly going on below the surface. We can even diagnose complex cases and comorbid conditions so students can pursue highly tailored accommodations.
Some of our most common psychological testing services include:
- Autism Spectrum Disorder Testing
- Dyslexia Testing
- Dysgraphia Testing
- Dyscalculia Testing
- Learning Disability Evaluations
- Nonverbal Learning Disorder (NVLD) Testing
- ADHD Screening
- Neurological Disorders Testing
- Executive Functions Evaluations
- Mental Health Exams, Including Anxiety Testing
- Gifted & Twice Exceptional Testing
- Special Accommodations for High Stakes Exams near West Bloomfield MI
Whether you’re trying to diagnose behavioral changes and struggles in school or you’d like a second opinion for a current diagnosis, our specialists are here to assist you. Give us a call at (248) 644-9466 to get started.
High Stakes Exam Arrangements That Fit ADA Requirements
Our high stakes exams solutions are in coordination with the Americans with Disability Act Amendment Act (ADAAA). This includes support for GED, ACT, SAT, LSAT, MCAT, and other tests. The specific support available will depend on the student’s needs, but types of high stakes exam accommodations my include:
- Braille or Large Print Versions of the Exams
- Extended Test Times or Break Opportunities
- Arrangements for Meals, Snacks or Medication during the Testing Process
- Distraction-Free Test Rooms
- Physical Prompts and Test Scribes
- Wheelchair Accessibility
- Screen Readers
- And Other Support in Alignment with ADA Regulations