Fetal Alcohol Effects Testing near West Bloomfield MI
Do you think a child in your care may have fetal alcohol syndrome or fetal alcohol effects? If so, the best way to get him or her the proper help and treatment is to have a definitive diagnosis. Oakland Neuropsychology Center offers fetal alcohol effects testing near West Bloomfield MI, and our neuropsychologists are renowned for their high accuracy rates.
Oakland Neuropsychology Center
4190 Telegraph Rd, Suite 2700
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302
Our office hours are Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM and Saturday by appointment only. To schedule an appointment or speak with our intake coordinator, contact (248) 644-9466.
Common Signs of Fetal Alcohol Effects (FAE) and Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)
Some of the first indicators of fetal alcohol effects are often physical ones, such as atypical facial features, small head size or below-average height/weight. These signs alone may not be enough to diagnose FAE, or they may not be present at all. This is why we look for psychological and behavioral signs of FAE, such as:
- Lack of Impulse Control
- Poor Judgment
- Delayed Social Skills and Problems Interacting with Peers
- Hyperactive Behaviors
- Learning Disabilities
- Trouble Telling Time or Understanding How Much Time Has Passed
- Coordination and Balance Issues
- Poor Memory and Focus
- Difficulty Communicating with Others
- Disorganization and Difficulty Planning
- Limited Problem-Solving Skills
- Trouble Staying on Task
If your child is exemplifying these symptoms and you’re interested in fetal alcohol effects testing, contact Oakland Neuropsychology Center at (248) 644-9466.
Comprehensive Psychological and Neuropsychological Testing Services for Children
The symptoms of FAE may overlap some other conditions. Our goal is to get to the root of your child’s struggles so you can seek the appropriate assistance. Oakland Neuropsychology Center offers comprehensive psychological evaluations, including:
- Neurological Disorders Testing
- Anxiety Testing and Depression Testing
- ADHD Testing and ADD Testing
- Autism Spectrum Disorder Testing
- Executive Functions Testing
- Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Testing
- Giftedness Testing and Twice Exceptional Testing
- Nonverbal Learning Disorder Testing
- Learning Disabilities Testing, Including Dyslexia Testing, Auditory Processing Disorder Testing, Dysgraphia Testing, Language Processing Disorder Testing, and Dyscalculia Testing
- Special Accommodations for High Stakes Exams
- And Other Psychological/Neuropsychological Testing Services