Psychological Testing for Adults? Absolutely!

Many adults call our office to enquire about testing for various difficulties they encounter on a regular basis. For some, they find that their daily struggles with staying focused on tasks is overwhelming, and they feel inefficient and frustrated with their difficulties keeping track of what they need to accomplish for work or at home. They feel disorganized. Spouses, friends, and relatives have suggested that maybe they have ‘ADD.’ For others, their long standing difficulties relating to others and establishing meaningful relationships is the main focus of their worries. They feel isolated in their personal lives, and at work; they may feel misunderstood or struggle to relate to coworkers or to their boss. They may have been in treatment for many years and it has come up that maybe, their social difficulties may be part of developmental issues that were never identified earlier, such as high functioning autism. There are also individuals who call our office because they have been struggling to pass tests needed to obtain licenses or certificates to move forward in their career, due to undiagnosed learning disabilities. They find that they run out of time on tests, make careless errors, misread questions, or inadvertently skip over or miss questions. Despite much preparation and studying, they often fall short of passing these important tests time after time.

In most cases, we can help you reach your goals or further assist you in understanding your specific pattern of cognitive strengths and weaknesses. Testing can help establish or recognize cognitive patterns that are often associated with attentional problems, emotional regulation issues, autism, and learning disabilities, such as dyslexia. This is often the first step in guiding you to the appropriate assistance or interventions. It can also provide you with the documentation needed to determine your access to test accommodations (for example, extended time on tests), when appropriate. Our office has been conducting such evaluations in Oakland County, Michigan for many years. If you would like to know more, please contact our office for a consultation to determine if testing is the appropriate next step for you.