Dyscalculia refers to challenges in math. It is a learning disorder that affects a person’s ability to process math information.
Signs of dyscalculia can look different across people, and across ages. Here are some of the common signs of dyscalculia:
- In Preschool and Kindergarten:
- Difficulty learning to count
- Problems recognizing or forming patterns (ex. size, shape, number)
- Struggling to understand the value of numbers
- Difficulty remembering the fundamentals when it comes to simple math facts
- In Elementary and Middle School:
- Difficulty grasping concepts of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
- Slow at learning basic math facts
- Struggling with mental math
- Difficulty relating math to real-life applications or concepts
- In High School:
- Difficulties with concepts related to money, distance, and time
- Problems with math reasoning and problem solving
- Difficulties with multi-step calculations
- Difficulty grasping information from graphs, charts, etc.
Dyscalculia can sometimes be overlooked, as people will say that they are just ‘bad at math.’ However, math problems lead to real-world consequences well into adulthood.
Dyscalculia is diagnosed through an evaluation that can be performed at any age. There are specific tests we can use for children and adults that help us determine whether a person might have an underlying math disorder. We also examine other areas of cognition that are frequently implicated in math difficulties. This comprehensive approach helps us pinpoint areas of weakness and provide specific recommendations to help each person meet their full potential.
If you have questions about our services or about dyscalculia, we would be glad to assist you! Please contact us to schedule a consultation at 248.644-9466.