‘I think my child might be dyslexic’ or ‘I think I might be dyslexic’ are often concerns people share with us when they call our clinic. Good news! We are equipped to help you answer this question and guide you with appropriate interventions!
What is dyslexia?
Dyslexia is a reading disorder. People with dyslexia have a difficult time identifying and associating speech sounds with letters and words.
Is there a test for that?
There are many tests that can be used to determine whether a person is struggling with a reading disorder or dyslexia. The tests we use depend on the age of the person we are evaluating, as well as the specific reading problems that they seem to be experiencing.
At what age can we start testing for dyslexia?
Testing for dyslexia can be performed at almost any age. We see kindergarteners up to adults (and even seniors) with concerns about reading.
Is it curable?
Dyslexia is not curable per se but targeted interventions are often beneficial in helping a dyslexic child or adult make progress and at times, even ‘close the gap.’ However, early assessment and intervention is important!
Please call our clinic if you have questions or would like to schedule an appointment. We would be glad to help! 248-644-9466